
Welcome to the website of the Centro Gramsci of San Marino

The Gramsci centre for the humanities/Centro di studi gramsciani is a research centre founded in 2020.

The double header – Gramsci centre for the humanities / Centro di studi gramsciani – is not only a very free presentation of the same content in two languages. It also refers to a dual function. On the one hand, the scientific observation of Gramsci’s work, his legacy, his method; on the other hand, research on some of Gramsci’s themes – organization of cultural work; intellectuals; politics and culture… – in their current implications: in new terms. Continue reading “Welcome to the website of the Centro Gramsci of San Marino”

Book and freedom: the Prison Notebooks

Massimo Mastrogregori.

(Saturday, March 16, 2024, 3 p.m., Sala del Maggior Consiglio, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa)

Arrested by Fascist police on November 8, 1926, Antonio Gramsci spent the rest of his life in prison or at least not completely free: in fact, he died on April 27, 1937, just when he was about to regain some control over his days. Before being imprisoned he published no books, only newspaper articles; and with difficulty in prison he managed to write in notebooks the preparatory notes for a series of studies, which he never completed. In the time of the author’s life, in short, there is no book, much less freedom: to speak of Gramsci and his Prison Notebooks at an event entitled Book and Freedom is to wander through a singular labyrinth of twentieth-century Italian history. Continue reading “Book and freedom: the Prison Notebooks”

Book and Freedom: Changing Codes. The book between page and pixel

By Jeffrey Schnapp.

(Saturday, March 16, 2024, 5 p.m., Sala del Maggior Consiglio, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa)

The talk focuses on the theme of freedom not so much with respect to the content of books as to the book as an evolving material container. In nearly six centuries of history, the book has proven to be a powerful laboratory for the fusion and dissemination of data and meaning. In the context of the digital revolution and the development of powerful generative artificial intelligence tools that are already profoundly changing current models of textual production and reproduction, such a laboratory will continue to play a central role within our communication ecosystem. Continue reading “Book and Freedom: Changing Codes. The book between page and pixel”

Book and freedom in the Arab world: the case of prison literature

Elisabetta Benigni

(Friday, March 15, 2024, 4 p.m., Sala Liguria, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa)

The talk will start with a brief excursus on the history of censorship and book circulation in the Arab world from the medieval period until modernity. Afterwards, attention will be brought to the case of Egypt and texts written by detained authors from the 1940s onward will be presented. The talk is intended to reflect on the meaning of writing in the condition of imprisonment in the Arab world, in Egypt in particular, and how practices of censorship (or lack of censorship) have characterized the control of the publishing market and, even today, strongly condition written expression. Texts by female prisoners and detainees belonging to different political currents will be discussed, and attention will be paid to how the concept of freedom took shape precisely through writing during political detention and what the reading public’s expectations of this literature are.

4, The Europeana case and other international experiences of memory sharing

[During the 2021/2022 academic year, the Gramsci center for the humanities took part in an academic project of the University of the Republic of San Marino entitled The San Marino Political Archives: census, digitization, fruition[1]Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group … Continue reading. Continue reading “4, The Europeana case and other international experiences of memory sharing”


1 Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group composed, in addition to the coordinators, of Rosa Gobbi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Isabella Manduchi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Matteo Sisti (Memorie di Marca) and Stefano Vitali (former director of the Central Institute for Archives). The census was carried out by Damiano Muccioli, while Alessandro Fiorentino and Andreas Iacarella worked on the digitization proposal for our center.

A portal for San Marino political archives

During the 2021/2022 academic year, the Gramsci center for the humanities took part in an academic project of the University of the Republic of San Marino entitled The San Marino political archives: census, digitization, fruition [1]Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group … Continue reading. Continue reading “A portal for San Marino political archives”


1 Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group composed, in addition to the coordinators, of Rosa Gobbi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Isabella Manduchi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Matteo Sisti (Memorie di Marca) and Stefano Vitali (former director of the Central Institute for Archives). The census was carried out by Damiano Muccioli, while Alessandro Fiorentino and Andreas Iacarella worked on the digitization proposal for our center.

3, The archives of politics on the web

[During the 2021/2022 academic year, the Gramsci center for the humanities took part in an academic project of the University of the Republic of San Marino entitled The San Marino Political Archives: census, digitization, fruition[1]Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group … Continue reading. Continue reading “3, The archives of politics on the web”


1 Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group composed, in addition to the coordinators, of Rosa Gobbi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Isabella Manduchi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Matteo Sisti (Memorie di Marca) and Stefano Vitali (former director of the Central Institute for Archives). The census was carried out by Damiano Muccioli, while Alessandro Fiorentino and Andreas Iacarella worked on the digitalization proposal for our center.

2, Archives in the network: strategies and models

[During the 2021/2022 academic year, the Gramsci center for the humanities took part in an academic project of the University of the Republic of San Marino entitled The San Marino Political Archives: census, digitization, fruition[1]Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group … Continue reading. Continue reading “2, Archives in the network: strategies and models”


1 Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group composed, in addition to the coordinators, of Rosa Gobbi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Isabella Manduchi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Matteo Sisti (Memorie di Marca) and Stefano Vitali (former director of the Central Institute for Archives). The census was carried out by Damiano Muccioli, while Alessandro Fiorentino and Andreas Iacarella worked on the digitization proposal for our center.

1, Cultural heritage in the digital environment

From catalog to semantic web, problems and perspectives

[During the 2021/2022 academic year, the Gramsci center for the humanities took part in an academic project of the University of the Republic of San Marino entitled The San Marino Political Archives: census, digitization, fruition[1]Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group … Continue reading. Continue reading “1, Cultural heritage in the digital environment”


1 Coordinated by Luca Gorgolini (Unirsm), by Michele Chiaruzzi (Unibo; Unirsm), and by our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, the project availed itself of the scientific advice of a research group composed, in addition to the coordinators, of Rosa Gobbi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Isabella Manduchi (State Archives of the Republic of San Marino), Matteo Sisti (Memorie di Marca) and Stefano Vitali (former director of the Central Institute for Archives). The census was carried out by Damiano Muccioli, while Alessandro Fiorentino and Andreas Iacarella worked on the digitization proposal for our center.

Party Archives from Paper to Digital

The training seminar Gli archivi dei partiti dalla carta al digitale, organized by Michele Chiaruzzi, Luca Gorgolini, Stefano Vitali and our director, Massimo Mastrogregori, was held on December 2, 2022, at the Department of San Marino History, Culture and History of the University of the Republic of San Marino. Continue reading “Party Archives from Paper to Digital”